I'm hungry at the time 1:21 am
My heart is broken into pieces
I'm hungry at the time 1:21 am
Posted by henry217 at 1:20 AM 0 comments
Posted by henry217 at 9:20 PM 0 comments
2 years!
you kept me in sleep!
So do you enjoyed being an angel ehh?
I don't see you enjoying at all
I see everything you see
I feel everything you feel
I know your thoughts.
You felt SAD
you can deny
but you can't lie to me
none of your days are truly happy at all right?
you noticed your tears never falls?
because I'm not full asleep!
You kept me awake a lil
because you're afraid
and keep me as a protection.
you're a coward
I knew it all the while
afraid of all things
you should've let me awake
and I'll overcome the fear of yours
so you feel no fear.
You choosed to believe everyone
and now you finally realise
that you have to DOUBT everything!
like me, doubt every single thing
making you extra careful in all ways.
You gave ppl a second chance
but end up what did you get?
The whole thing repeated for the 2nd time.
Hurtful? Why la you so dump?
Be cruel,
show no mercy,
and they dare not repeat it anymore.
Who really cares bout this kind of friend anymore?
You gave up things for another's purpose
and end up you get nothing.
If its me, I don't care who they are,
save yourself is better than anything else.
You believe and fulfill your promises,
and none of their promises will be fulfilled.
What's the point of having faith on ass like them?
You believed your heart will be healed
you believed you found the right ones
you believed you can.
Tell me your results..
Your heart is made of glass
once broken it can never be like it used to be
you can never be healed!
You end up giving up on her
because I've showed you you're nothing to her
and continue to dream on if you don't believe.
Things you do, without my pressure,
you think you can do it?
Stop running away already.
Accept the fact that I, devil suits you more
I will make sure you have no more sorrow.
I'll teach you everything from the inside
and do as I command.
Be gone, angel
instead of keeping you in sleep
I shall vanish you.
He doesn't need any kindness anymore.
You've made him had enough of hurt.
I shall remove his heart
and be like me.
This is the world you're facing
Without me you can't survive.
welcome to the black parade.
it's time to bleed it out!
Posted by henry217 at 11:53 PM 0 comments
Posted by henry217 at 11:54 AM 0 comments
I'm tired~
of everything~
where are you~
where is your love~
where is your feeling~
where is my feeling either~
where is my tears~
where is my handworking-ness~
where is my foolishness~
where is my aggressiveness~
where is my motivation~
where is my dream~
where is my laugh~
where is my kindness~
where is my freedom~
where is my faith~
where is my trust~
where is my love~
where is my aim~
where is my success~
where is my smile~
where is my sweetness~
where is my romanticness~
where is my crazyness~
where is my panic-ness~
where is my appreciation~
where is my heart~
where is my justice~
where is my sleepness~
where is my depressness~
where are my talents~
where are my true friends~
where am I going~
I totally don't know..
Posted by henry217 at 12:20 AM 0 comments
Posted by henry217 at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Kenzo is a student
a professional designer and also an engineer
famous among his college
a top model too
that makes him one of the top 'WANTED' list among the girls
nice, perfect and good looking huh?
who ever knows what he had being through?
threatening, torturing and full of sadness past
until he feels no more hurt
and tears will never fall anymore
he has alot of master pieces at home
where each pieces, contains his memories
ppl who can understand it, will always leave with tears
and he only allows certain ppl to see it
in a particular day
when he is having a design competition
he met a contestant sitting beside him
smiling at him all the time
he can't stand the smile
and he keeps peaking at her
from that day onwards
he started to get close to her
obviously, he's interested on her
follows her everywhere and helps her every time
its been so long since he ever wanted to love
texting her, calling her on the phone
he treasures all the moment
but the girl never shows out how she feels
Kenzo often doubt she dislike him
sooner and later, he found out she had a crush
he's so upset bout it
avoiding her at all cost
and her best friend came to him
chilling him all the while
hoping he won't feel bad
ending up he started to like her
but he knows he couldn't
as she is already long taken
he forced himself not to go any further
but he couldn't
someone found out about this news
and the news is spread to the girl he chased
he was afraid now
afraid to lose her
he is also afraid to lose this other girl too
in confusion he stays
for months he had been like this
emo-ing all the while
he became very quiet in his life
and surprisingly he starts to sell off
all his master pieces he drew on spot
but these pieces of art
nobody can ever understands it
its very complicated
it brings confusion, love, and hatred
soon, he is absent for classes
which he had never done it before
lecturers and friends starts asking around
worrying of his disappearance
but no one every knows what happened
a month passed
and the secret is broken
Kenzo is already dead
according to the doctor,
he said that Kenzo always keeps everything inside his heart
as all the bad things added up
he couldn't stand it anymore
and when it burst
a heart attack attacks him
so that is the past he had
he tried not to be like that anymore
he always tries to smile
and be happy
until when he had the feeling of love
everything seems complicated already
he started to keep it all in again
drawing all his confusion out
hoping someone can help him solve it out
but none understands it
nor able to help him
he ended up keeping all in until it overloads
and it burst.
Kenzo died of heart attack
an unbelievable death of a talented student
Posted by henry217 at 11:22 PM 0 comments
You are very loved. Everyone finds you a welcoming, warm person. They look to you for advice and comfort, and someone to just have a good time with.
Posted by henry217 at 12:14 AM 0 comments
msn connection problem
facebook account disabled
all there's left is here
the only place where I called home
In this devil world of mine
I could feel everything I've gone through once again
one of the worse
is that tears can't fall at all
suffering there quietly
and acting like nothing happened
is what I do best
I wanted to talked to you
but you did not reply my smses
I believed that you're busy with your stuffs
I don't wanna interrupt you
but I couldn't control myself for missing you
everything in my world seems blur now
its because I care
I care bout you
that makes me worry
and feels hurt for everything
all I could ever do
is staying far apart looking at you
praying for your best
passes very fast
and the past can't return
money can't buy either
sad memories in you
I hope you could forget it
I'm begging for your forgiveness
with that simple reason
I like you alot
I can guarantee it won't happen anymore
let time stalls
as I can't do anything more
if you could really find me on your own
I will definately be very happy
and I'm waiting for that day all the while
when someday you felt my disappearance
you'll feel that you need me
that's the day
I will confess...
outcome doesn't really matters to me anymore
we could do everything secretly
but its your choice
either we have fate
or we are fated not to be together
I will appreciate every piece of memory
we had all the time till now
Posted by henry217 at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Posted by henry217 at 4:45 PM 0 comments
the death of Henry the knight
Posted by henry217 at 11:33 AM 0 comments
山羊座 12月22~1月19
山羊的心就是一塊合氏璧,他們守心如玉,並用平庸掩飾,外人看來,似乎只是掩耳盜鈴式的防線,或者是安撫良知的最後一 道誓言,然而畢竟山羊守著的是心中對愛情的那份憧憬。無緣之人只看到外面的粗糙,當廢品丟棄處理,連歎息都吝於給予,只有等到一個有足夠耐心和勇氣的人, 懷著堅定的誠心,剖開山羊的內心,會發現居然如此驚豔,至此,不離不棄。
水瓶座 1月20~2月18
水瓶本純淨,有著清爽透徹的玻璃心,只是愛了,知道早已吃定了他,所以從來叛逆,蠻橫無理,只在心裏熱愛。不明白為什 麼要那樣去愛,以傷害來取代無處揮灑的熱情。是想被注意嗎,還是不傷害就不知道愛得深?水瓶摔碎了自己的心,用鋒利的玻璃渣刺痛著愛人和自己,深刻的痛感 勾勒著刻骨銘心。最後,愛人走了,水瓶想重新開始,卻總是忘了自己最初的樣子。
雙魚座 2月19~3月20
雙魚本想平庸快樂的走完人生這個輪回旅程,於是只讓透明的晶瑩蔓延,然而卻往往被生活蹂躪的接近枯萎。冷硬的外貌開始 湧現,任由時間去消磨生命的味道。終於釀成了一顆水晶心,裏面殘存著明媚的夢想,然後將厚重的外殼披上,應付情感中無法避免的傷痛,和這個世界的現實感。 這時,才發現,人生往往只需要一個頓悟,不可預見,只可遇見。
白羊座 3月21~4月20
羊兒的心原本平靜,甚至對感情有些冥頑不靈,只是某日一團火突如其來,之後無數次,羊兒坐在愛情劇院的一角,完全沈 浸。只有他,只有他能完全讀懂那上上下下如夜空中的煙花一樣耀眼的音階的全部意義,有一種感情曾經燃燒了一切。只是,當整顆心都付之一炬,連火星都不再飛 濺之後,羊兒的心從此就失落了,空蕩蕩的,可以聽到回音。
愛上了,就一頭紮進去,不管前方是刀山,將自己活生生的劈斷,還是火海,可以猛烈的燃燒殆盡,抑或是深不見底的汪洋, 就這樣心甘情願的腐爛,牛牛的心看似冷漠,實際上卻是最無所顧忌的勇敢。只不過往往還有一種結局,牛牛離愛遠去,卻忘了將心清洗,殘餘的剩渣在心裏慢慢變 質,最後發臭。牛牛發現,原來愛一個人,就是毀了原來的自己。
雙子座 5月21~6月21
雙子的心沒有安定感,恰似流動的沙礫,可以任意的在風的引導下變換姿勢和周期。一日卻意外的發現雙子的心中開了一朵 花,所有沙礫都滋養著它的嬌豔,如此堅定不移。之後,雙子寧願沒有之後,狂風又起,沙礫飛舞,竟渾濁了天地。忐忑的心已記不起,蕉樹下多少呢喃燕語。心就 如同沙礫從指尖流走,嘶啞的聲音,如低聲傾訴,純真年代的過去。
巨蟹座 6月22~7月22
起初巨蟹的心太清純太易被吹皺,一遇到風,就柔柔緩緩、急急匆匆泛起愛舟。後來,為所愛,自己的心突然間長滿了鬱鬱蔥 蔥一望無際的水草,織成一道燦爛輝煌的風景。再後來,或者如此山野爛漫下去,或者無端打開了缺口,奔湧之下,湮滅了所有。巨蟹很少會給傷害自己的人第二次 機會,因為他們的心是水做的,而有一個詞叫做,覆水難收。
獅子座 7月23~8月22
被他愛過,就休想逃脫。獅子是一把火。他要跟愛人一起玉石俱焚。如果有愛,就是獅子的全部生命,沒有愛,則一切都可毀 滅。他從來不要自己,獅子要的,是以火的姿態在愛裏焚燒的那個人。被他愛過,強烈的佔有過,還能愛誰?從此便只有百年孤寂。也許,獅子的心原本不是一團 火,只是在許久以前,為了一個人,不小心打翻了燭臺,從此焚心以火。
處女座 8月23~9月22
Posted by henry217 at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Posted by henry217 at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Leon was walking home
from the crowded city
back to his house in the woods
yes it is
it has been a tired day
he rushes home to have a great bath
and to have a beautiful sleep~
while he was on his way home
he meet 2 fairies
1 in green and 1 in red
both are lost and needed help to go back to their house
they stays near the woods
since it was also Leon's destination
so he agreed to bring them back home
as soon as he reaches outside the woods
the 2 fairies thanked him
and inviting him to heaven for a visit
swinging their wands
and 2 magic portals appear in front of him
the green portal
Posted by henry217 at 10:23 PM 2 comments
In the heavens
stays devils and angels
devils territory is the whole west sky
while angels is the whole east sky
wars between them had been going on for centuries
one day
a devil name Luke is on a mission
to spy on angel's territory
so he hide beside a waterfall nearby their army camp
eating all the fresh fruits which can't be found in devil's territory
everything is rotten over there
soon, a female angel approached the waterfall to get some water
Luke saw her from the top of an apple tree
the beautiful waterfalls
warm sun shines
birds playing around the trees
while the beautiful angel knee down and fill her pot with water
such beautiful view
Luke hopes to draw this view out
with his gift talent, drawing
but devils are forbidden to use their talents
all they can do is fight, fight, and fight
Luke flew down and approach her
but the angel is so calm, starring at him
she did not even take a step back
'Don't worry, little angel
I will not harm you
Just that I couldn't resist such a beautiful view'
as soon as he finished talking
the angel immediately flew back to her camp
he is afraid that she will inform the soldiers bout his appearance in the angel's territory
so he hide within the waterfall
'Helo? Where are you devil?
Mr devil? I know you're still here~'
Luke peaks out of the waterfall
and she's standing beside the waterfall along with a sketch book, alone
he flew out
'Mr devil, can you draw out that view you meant?'
Luke is very excited
he was shocked that this angel actually can reads his thoughts
then he flew up to the apple tree and started drawing
he finishes his drawing in a lightning speed and he gave it to her
that piece of art, is the most detailed, beautiful and amazing artwork she ever saw
She pulls out her hand, 'Krystal'
'Luke', shaking her hand
Luke is surprised to know that angels are so friendly
so Krystal becomes the very first angel friend of Luke
Krystal promised not to show the art to anyone else
and so from that day, Luke came to the waterfall everyday to meet with Krystal
is a very kind, cute and sweet devil
he hates war
he likes peace
he loves drawing and singing
he also likes dark places
he likes lying down in the forest at night to enjoy the natures wind and air
and he is always dreaming and waiting for the perfect girl to appear
is an active, pretty and lovely angel
she hates war too
and loves peace
she enjoys seeing master pieces of ppl's arts
she also likes dark places to chill her mind
nature lover
married by force because of her parents
she doesn't love her husband at all and she's still a virgin
she's always dreaming for her perfect guy to come across
Everyday Krystal will bring along her home cook foods while Luke will be waiting within the waterfall
Luke just can't resist the warm foods
They falled in love
they both noticed that they are their own dream type of lovers
they started their relationship
2 different races which are forbidden to do so
but no matter how much they love each other
they can't even have sex
as god will punish an angel and demon child's parents
and kill all three of them
Luke always wondered whether he had made a very wrong decision
he scares he will regret about everything happen
but everytime he has this thoughts,
Krystal will kissed him
so that he couldn't speak
and says,
'my dear, don't think that much
I'm yours although I can't be with you
and shhh~
it is our little secret
don't let the flying angels around heard us~'
Luke lifted his head, calmed down by her beautiful voice
Only her voice could free his mind
Though it is only temporary, he is still glad
He is sure that she is truly the one
He would share his life together, forever
'Krystal, my dear, your always there
whenever I need you
Your always there for me
What would happen to me
If you were taken away from my side~'
Just as Luke finishes talking
The husband of Krystal came flying down
With his stare, sharp as an eagle
With his sword, furious with anger
'Krystal, how could you meet up with this imbecile being !
I was right to have someone following you
When you became unusually different
These past few days
I couldn't believe that you would betray me
You've disappoint our parents and
Especially me'
As Luke is about to be stabbed by Krystal's husband mighty sword
Krystal blocked the sword for him
the sword pierces through her directly at the heart
blood flows out from her injury and her mouth
her husband was shocked
he dropped his weapon with fear and tears
Luke hugged Krystal tightly
'why did you even do that...
you know this day will come...
I accept the fact that I will be slayed by your husband...
But why, do you block it?'
Krystal replied weakly
'Silly you..
There's only 1 reason...
I love you..
As simple as that..'
She smiled with a mouth full of blood
gently touching Luke's face
and she ends her breath
Posted by henry217 at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Your face
your eyes
your shadow
your voice
your smile...
free birds flying on the skies
blue sky and clear clouds
and a beautiful you right beside me
although we are walking on a busy streets
car hons everywhere and ppl making noises
in such crowded and noisy place
I still feel peace
and most importantly
to me
you're everything
without you
i'm liveless
because of you, I worked hard for our future
I gave you everything and make sure you're satisfied with all of it
I know you loved me like no one else too
You left me one day
I called you
I came to your house and find you
I even stopped working
but you never even pick up my calls
even if you pass by me
you didn't say hello as if i'm transparent
you have been treating me the same for 2 years
long enough that my heart are crushed into dust
I found out that you're getting married with someone
I cried out for 2 days long
I hide outside your wedding ceremony
looking at you
I missed that smile you gave me
and now you gave that smile to the person you're marrying
I'm jealous
and I cried once again
I dare not continue to watch it
so I left
Rain falls as I walked out
As if god is crying for me
I walked and cried under the rain
as I pass by the graves near the church
I decided to drop by my mom for a visit
I told me mom everything
Life's so unfair
and you left me without a word
out of sudden, a lightning strike right beside me and it hits someone's grave
I approach the grave
and I saw
my name on the rock
and I just found out
I was actually dead for 2 years already..
my hearts stopped beating
I was actually dead? I couldn't believe it!
so everything happened makes sense!
I was transparent after all
she couldn't see me
she couldn't even hear my outcry..
suddenly I got a flashback on what happened:
I was involved in a car accident
a car banged me from behind with a speed of more than 120km/h
I couldn't even feel the pain
Immediately I died
and yet I dreamt that I was walking home
along with the presents I bought for an exchange of your smile..
you cried right beside my bed when I was gone
every single second
your face is always full of tears..
I'm sorry my dear
now I know everything is just a dream..
I am happy
that you finally gain back the smile and really smile like the usual you
I am happy
that you found someone that can replace the dead me
because I can no longer take care of you..
I have been awake for 2 years in this dream
and now
its time for me to rest in this dream..
This is the very first and the very last time I'm saying it to you,
I love you my dear~
and goodbye~
As soon as I fall back into 'sleep'
her tears starts falling although she's smiling so happily..
22nd March
is your wedding
is also my death anniversary
Posted by henry217 at 6:51 PM 0 comments
today woke up later than usual~
I smsed with princess when she's in sunway having seminar
and she wanted to know bout my past.
So yeah, I told her everything
I thought, she would dislike me
I thought, all my efforts are nothing at all
I thought, that it ends here.
These are truely from my heart :
'I started to hate girls right after that.
Love in my life started to fade away and my life become lifeless.
I live according to my will and I ignored feelings of others.
To be very honest, after since I know you
I felt love once again from your smiles.
everything seems brighter in my eyes
and i got pulled out from the devil world of mine.
Thats where my blog name came from =]'
I know you smiled happily and for a very looong time, someone told me XD
but I'm happy to hear that, even I didn't see it, but I can feel it =]
came back to wangsa maju on evening
and my friend came over invited me to go swimming~
I was halfway smsing with princess and I forgotten to inform her bout it
so I went down swimming for bout 1 hour-ish~ *komenasai*
made her wait and wait and wait~
and she smsed me when i'm back
'wei~ no reply de~'
i'm sorry!
we then chat online till dinner time~
and so I went out for dinner with roommate and friends
when I'm back, she's not online anymore~
I called her =]
25 minutes of chit-chat
lots of laughter and smiles
although there isn't any topic at all
but my heart beat gets faster every single minute
Its because of you
You're the special someone that appeared
I do have special feelings on you =]
If I had that chance
I will hug you so tight now =3
along with a kiss on your lips
Good nite princess~
if only I could give you a good nite kiss~
Posted by henry217 at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Posted by henry217 at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Posted by henry217 at 6:16 PM 0 comments
Like flowers dancing in the wind
Like rain moistening the earth
Although this world thrives on interdependence
Why do people hurt each other?
Why do we have to part?
Even if you're faraway
In the depths of this heart
Completely filled with that gentle smile
The pieces of you that I held tight
Are still connected in spite of pain, so
I believe that we'll meet again
I'm waiting for your love
I love you
I trust you
Share your loneliness with me
I love you
I trust you
Even in light, even in darkness
Because we're together we can believe in each other
Don't leave me
Who watched the world end?
Who proclaimed the end of the journey?
It's a long night, and we cannot see the answers
Still I hope you keep to the road you believed in
Because at the end, light is waiting.
The song that you taught me
Is still, in the deepest reaches of my heart
Echoing, along with that gentle voice.
Overflowing droplets of feelings
Warmly run down my cheeks
"Become stronger
We're connected"
I love you
I trust you
The tears I've shed for you
I love you
I trust you
Have taught me what love is
No matter how lost you get
I'll be by your side
I'm always by your side
No matter how lost you get
I'll be by your side
Because we're together we can believe in each other
Don't leave me
Posted by henry217 at 5:31 PM 0 comments
於是男孩開始改變,變成女孩喜歡的那種 嘴角掛著壞壞表情。
Posted by henry217 at 7:14 PM 2 comments
I can work hard in studies,
study hard and ask lots of questions,
I can finish up 5 past year papers without complain,
I teaches everyone who need help with and never gets it wrong.
But when the exam comes, could I...?
I can work many hours a day,
working hard to get promoted,
I can work all day without a break,
I help every colleague who needs help with all I can.
But when the manager gave me a project to handle, could I...?
I can play games 24 hours a day,
playing hard to become the top,
I can play without taking foods,
I kill players who kill low lvls until he dare not log in his account.
But when the top guild comes for guild war, could I...?
Everytime situation like this happened, I end up failing it..
I hated myself, and questioned myself, why..
I couldn't find the answer at all..
Is it over confident? Or too proud of myself?
Or is it I'm just unlucky?
Who knows? Probably...
Yet I get to know you..
So pretty and always with a lovely smile..
I tried to capture your heart with all I can..
Date you, sms you, call you, even making things by my own hands..
And now when I think further,
When the day I confess to you comes, could I...?
uhhhhhhh felt so stupid and useless -.-
1 thing I always done it right.
I never blames the outcome, and at least I tried my best. =3
if at the end you tell me that I'm still not good enough to be with you,
I just wanna tell you,
I love you like no one else ever loves you before =3
Posted by henry217 at 5:21 PM 0 comments